Audrey LeGalley

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Audrey LeGalley is a Texas-raised artist who utilizes mediums including porcelain and fibers to explore themes of anxiety, fragility, and domesticity. Drawing on childhood memories and experiences she discusses familial relationships and emotional structures through sculptures and compositions. Recently, she has been recreating domestic objects out of porcelain to present a metaphor for fragility and fear. Audrey received her BFA from The Southwest School of Art in 2018 and was given the “Best in Show Award” for her work in the Senior Thesis exhibition.




#domestic, #home, #sculpture, #clay, #ceramics, #porcelain


Author: Deliasofia Zacarias

Deliasofia Zacarias is one of the Unfiltered San Antonio co-founders. Double-majored in business and studio art, Zacarias is interested in art politics, food, and a whole lot of Netflix. She is currently LACMA's Emerging Art Professional Fellow in Los Angeles, CA.

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